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What spiritual gifts are on the My Fit Assessment?
For more information about Spiritual Gifts, we recommend speaking with a small group leader, discipleship mentor, or staff member at Crossroads.
Administration | Persons with the gift of administration lead the body by steering others to remain on task. Administration enables the body to organize according to God-given purposes and long-term goals (1 Cor. 12:28). | ||||
Apostleship | The church sends apostles from the body to plant churches or be missionaries. Apostles motivate the body to look beyond its walls in order to carry out the Great Commission (1 Cor. 12:28; Eph. 4:11). | ||||
Craftsmanship | The gift of craftsmanship is the special ability to use your hands, thoughts, and mind to further the Kingdom of God through artistic, creative means. People with this gift may also serve as leaders for others in forming their abilities in this area. The gift may also be used in the areas of maintenance, care, and upkeep for the benefit and beautification of God’s Kingdom here on earth. (2 Chronicles 34:9-13, Exodus 30:22-25, Exodus 31:3-11, Acts 16:14, Acts 18:3) | ||||
Creativity | The gift of Creativity builds up God’s kingdom through creative skills such as carpentry, drama, graphic arts, painting and sculpting. This gift provides the believer with the skill of creating artistic expressions that produce a spiritual response of strength and inspiration. (Exodus 35:31-32) | ||||
Discernment | Discernment aids the body by recognizing the true intentions of those within or related to the body. Discernment tests the message and actions of others for the protection and well-being of the body (1 Cor. 12:10). | ||||
Encouragement | The Spirit of God gives this gift to people in the church to strengthen and encourage those who are wavering in their faith. Those with the gift of encouragement or exhortation can uplift and motivate others as well as challenge and rebuke them in order to foster spiritual growth and action. The goal of the encourager is to see everyone in the church continually building up the body of Christ and glorifying God. (Romans 12:8, Acts 11:23-24; 14:21-22; 15:32) |
Evangelism | God gifts his church with evangelists to lead others to Christ effectively and enthusiastically. This gift builds up the body by adding new members to its fellowship (Eph. 4:11). | ||||
Faith | Faith trusts God to work beyond the human capabilities of the people. Believers with this gift encourage others to trust in God in the face of apparently insurmountable odds (1 Cor. 12:9). | ||||
Giving | Members with the gift of giving give freely and joyfully to the work and mission of the body. Cheerfulness and liberality are characteristics of individuals with this gift (Rom. 12:8). | ||||
Helps/Service | The gift of Helps/Service involves the passion to humbly serve and support others within the assembly of Christ Followers. The person possessing the gift of Service will display a natural servant heart and will seek the welfare of others, even to the point of self-sacrifice. It is not uncommon for people with the gift of Helps/Service to feel like they don’t have any gifts at all. But this is far from true. When the gift of Helps/Service is appropriately applied within the body of Christ, the helper is acting very much like Jesus who said of his own ministry, “I did not come to be served, but to serve” (Matthew 20:28, Romans 16:1-2, 1 Corinthians 12:27-31, 2 Corinthians 8:16-20, 2 Corinthians 8:16-20, 2 Timothy 1:16-18, 1 Peter 4:11) | ||||
Hospitality | Those with this gift have the ability to make visitors, guests, and strangers feel at ease. They often use their home to entertain guests. Persons with this gift integrate new members into the body (1 Pet. 4:9). | ||||
Intercession | The gift of intercession is the special ability to pray for extended periods of time on a regular basis, and also to see frequent and specific answers to one’s prayers to a degree much greater than a fellow Christian who does not have an intercessory gift. (Colossians 4:12, 1 Timothy 2:1-8, James 5:14-16, Acts 12:1-17 Acts 16:25-31 ) | ||||
Knowledge | The gift of knowledge manifests itself in teaching and training in discipleship. It is the God-given ability to learn, know, and explain the precious truths of God’s Word. A word of knowledge is a Spirit-revealed truth (1 Cor. 12:28). | ||||
Leadership | Leadership aids the body by leading and directing members to accomplish the goals and purposes of the church. Leadership motivates people to work together in unity toward common goals (Rom. 12:8). | ||||
Mercy | Cheerful acts of compassion characterize those with the gift of mercy. Persons with this gift aid the body by empathizing with hurting members. They keep the body healthy and unified by keeping others aware of the needs within the church (Rom. 12:8). | ||||
Musical/Worship | The gift of Worship/Music enables a person to lead others to seek the heart of God. While all Christ followers are called of God to worship Him, people possessing the gift of Worship and Musical Expression seem to know how to guide the emotions and hearts of others to forget their surroundings and circumstances, and focus upon the greatness of God. (1 Chronicles 25:1, 68; 2 Chronicles 5:1214; 2 Chronicles 29:25-30, Col. 3:16) | ||||
Prophecy | The gift of prophecy is proclaiming the Word of God boldly. This builds up the body and leads to conviction of sin. Prophecy manifests itself in preaching and teaching (1 Cor. 12:10; Rom. 12:6). | ||||
Shepherding | The gift of shepherding is manifested in persons who look out for the spiritual welfare of others. Although pastors, like shepherds, do care for members of the church, this gift is not limited to a pastor or staff member (Eph. 4:11). | ||||
Teaching | Teaching is instructing members in the truths and doctrines of God’s Word for the purposes of building up, unifying, and maturing the body (1 Cor. 12:28; Rom. 12:7; Eph. 4:11). | ||||
Wisdom | Wisdom is the gift that discerns the work of the Holy Spirit in the body and applies His teachings and actions to the needs of the body (1 Cor. 12:28). |